Trinity Kids

children's ministry

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them.." - Matthew 19:14 Our mission is “Helping children come to KNOW Jesus Christ, GROW to be like him and SHOW his love to all.”

We strive to help the children of Trinity build a solid foundation of love, acceptance, understanding and spiritual guidance. We provide a safe and fun environment geared to the needs of children.


Our “prayground” a place in the back of the sanctuary where children who may not be comfortable sitting in a pew or leaving the worship service can experience worship through quite activities that will help them engage. By being in the sanctuary, the children can see the people of God praising, praying, growing, and going in the Word. Parents, other adults, and older students may choose to sit in a nearby chair, racking chair, bean bag or on the floor with the children.

Nursery is offered Sunday mornings and special occasions for children up to age 5.

Sunday School
Sundays at 10:00AM in the Trintiy Kids room for children K-5th grade

Wednesdays 4:45-5:45PM in the Trinity Kids room for children K-5th grade