Finding Gratitude, Even in the Tough Moments
Gratitude isn’t just about saying “thank you” when life is perfect. It’s about shifting focus, even for a moment, to recognize the good in the middle of the chaos. Maybe…
Thank you!!!
Thank you for all of your encouragement during this sermon series. It takes courage to talk about controversies but it also takes courage to listen. My hope is that we…
Last Sunday may have been the shortest ban of something that I can remember. I’m not sure we even made it 12 hours. If you’re not on TikTok you probably…
Grace, Faith, and Justice
This Sunday, we’re continuing our Confronting Controversy sermon series. It’s been such a powerful time of wrestling with tough topics through the lens of Scripture, hasn’t it? This week, we’re…
Confronting Controversy
The Trinity School started back this week and it has made my week so much better. There is a lot of life in the building when the kids and teachers…
Confronting Controversy
You probably have a New Year’s Resolution. Or you may have a goal set for the month, quarter, or year. We all think about improving ourselves but we can’t do…
Soul Singing
“Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world.” –Martin Luther We have two violinists in the family. They learned through…
Great and Awesome Christmas: Joy!
We think that joy just happens to us. If we are lucky, we find joy. If we are unlucky, we don’t. Or perhaps you are a believer in karma: if…
The Old Santa
11/28/2023 by Spencer Dillard I discovered an old Santa While put up my treeHis red suit was now fadedAn awful sight to see His best days were behind himWorn…
Are you ready?
Advent is all about preparing. We prepare for Christmas parties. We prepare for giving presents. We prepare food for parties. We prepare our homes to be festive. But are we…
Take care.
When we say, “Take care!”..we mean be careful.Take care of yourself. But what if we meant something else.What if your farewell meant to take care of others? Take care… Of…
Trinity: Home of #HolyMischief
Did you catch Pastor Shannon on the Bishop’s “One Georgia UMC Podcast”? If not take a few minutes to listen! Stories of #HolyMischief abound. Join us Sunday to experience how…
Celebrating More
We’re standing on the brink of something amazing here at Trinity, and we couldn’t be more excited about what the future holds! We believe that God has incredible plans for…
More Time
Do you ever wish you had one more hour with someone? Just thinking about it reminds you of how you felt each time you were with them. I wish I…
The Power of Greed
In our society, we’re often encouraged to want more. More money, more possessions, more success. It’s a cycle that can leave us feeling empty despite our full closets and packed…
What is worship?
This is easier asked than answered. The origin of the word comes from “worth,” as in to ascribe worth to something. Worship is not a general emotive act, but specifically…