Next Steps

Looking to ignite your faith and connect with an incredible community? Look no further than Trinity United Methodist Church! Our goal is to foster meaningful connections, inspiring transformation, and embracing the journey of growth through Jesus. Ready to embark on an exciting adventure? Join us and experience the power of genuine connections, uplifting conversations, and an environment that encourages you to be the best version of yourself. Get connected today at Trinity United Methodist Church!

Connect with us!

Questions about your faith? Baptism? Trinity? The United Methodist Church? Connect with Pastor Shannon at

Connect with Pastor Shannon

New here? We would love to invite you to a gathering that will help equip you to take your NEXT STEPS in this faith community. This is a great time to connect with our leaders, pastor, and staff to gather information on the ministries and opportunities at Trinity and leave equipped to take the next step in connecting with this faith community. Email the church office to find out our next time or to register at

Trinity 101