New Sermon Series

We are more connected than we realize. There a theory, known as the “Six Handshakes Rule,” that states any two people are connected to one another in six steps. It seems that “Six Degrees of Separation” isn’t only for Kevin Bacon. The concept was originally posited in a 1929 short story by Frigyes Karinthy, in which a group of people play a game of trying to connect any person in the world to themselves by a chain of five others. 

While there have been many studies where the average number of connections between two people comes close to six, we are connected more than our connections to others. We are connected by our connection to the Creator. As diverse and complex as our world is, we are all connected in our humanity and the fact that God loves all of us.

When we strengthen one of our connection and form a friendship or parnership with someone, we are also strengthening our connection to God. Relationships are an essential part of our spiritual journey, as they allow us to learn and grow through the experiences and perspectives of others. At the core of our relationships is the understanding that God’s love knows no boundaries or limitations.

Join us Sunday as we discover how our connections make us stronger people, give us stronger faith, and transform the world all at the same time.

Until Everyone Hears,

faith, #HolyMischief

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