Wanting More

We all feel it. That inner tug. The longing for more in our lives. More joy, more peace, more purpose. But often, what we want and what Jesus wants for us don’t always align. Let’s explore how we can bridge that gap and discover the “more” that truly satisfies us.

Scripture Focus

Exodus 32-33

In Exodus, we see the Israelites wandering in the desert, wanting more than what they had. They craved security and certainty, leading them to create a golden calf while Moses was on Mount Sinai. Their desire for more led them away from God, rather than toward Him.

Moses, however, wanted more of God. He wasn’t satisfied with leading the Israelites without God’s presence. In Exodus 33, he pleads, “If Your presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.” Moses understood that true fulfillment comes from wanting more of God’s presence in our lives.

Matthew 6

Fast forward to the New Testament, where Jesus teaches us in Matthew 6 about priorities. “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth… But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven… For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Jesus urges us to seek more of God’s kingdom and righteousness, promising that all we need will be given to us when we do.

It’s a call to shift our focus from earthly desires to heavenly aspirations.

Why Giving Matters

Giving is a powerful act of faith that aligns our desires with God’s will. By giving, we declare that we trust Him to provide for our needs. It’s a tangible way to seek “more” of what truly matters.

When we give, we invest in God’s kingdom. We become instruments of His love and blessings. And in doing so, we find a deeper sense of satisfaction and purpose.

Call to Action

Let’s challenge ourselves to want more of what Jesus wants for us. More love, more grace, more giving. Let’s seek His presence in our lives and prioritize what truly matters.

Join us for our upcoming series, “More: Needs, Wants, All of the Above,” where we’ll explore how God wants more for you and for the church. Together, let’s discover how to love one another more deeply and draw closer to Christ.

Excited to see how God moves through us? We are too. Let’s make it happen, together!

faith, #HolyMischief

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