Welcome! Bienvenue! ¡Bienvenido! Willkommen! Välkommen! Witaj!
When you travel through an International Airport, you’ll usually find a sign or announcement that welcomes travelers in many different languages. You might not be able to understand anything else around you, but you’ll know that you are welcomed in this place.
Most churches say they are welcoming. But most churches aren’t very self aware. It’s easy to come to church and welcome your friends who you are happy to see and inadvertently skip over someone new who is looking for a place to connect.
One of the great surprises that I’ve found at Trinity, is that our people are as welcoming as we say we are. As we strive to embody the spirit of Koinonia, let us challenge ourselves to discover why welcoming is so important. May our actions reflect the inclusive nature of the Gospel, where every handshake and every smile becomes a testament to the joy we find in Christ’s love. We want Trinity UMC Cartersville to be a place where the traditional barriers that divide are dismantled, and hearts are united in genuine Christian fellowship.
This Sunday, and every day, let us be the church where nobody stands alone – where everyone is seen, known, and loved. We can’t wait to welcome you Sunday as we continue with our Koinonia series.