
Often we remember the stories of God and fail to live them. Don’t get me wrong, remembering is important work. But living the way of Christ is equally important. Steve Bradley recently shared a letter with me that his brother wrote during his time in Vietnam. Unfortunately he lost his life while he was there. As we approach Memorial Day, it is important to remember that some people still grieve the loss of loved ones and some loved ones left behind strong testimonies. Hear these words from Steve’s brother:

I read the words of the Bible and when I pray I worship and I receive this comfort also; and I am aware of the presence of a feeling which I could only describe as a Great Love. This love is one that you want to share with your fellow man, one that brings a great peace within yourself. A love that [abundantly] says to you…I am God …I am God.

Stanley Thomas Bradley

What a powerful witness to who God is!! This Sunday we look at our last “weird Bible story” in Matthew 22:45-56. There was darkness over Jerusalem for three hours and an earthquake broke open tombs and raised people to life. It’s a story that often gets overlooked or brushed aside, but it holds important lessons for us.

The passage begins with Jesus on the cross, about to take his last breath. He cries out in a loud voice and the earth responds with darkness and an earthquake. This event may seem bizarre or unbelievable to some, but there is more to it than just a supernatural occurrence. The symbols in this story point to who Jesus is, who we are, and why God loves us abundantly. The story is one to remember but also one to live by.

Live as if death has been overcome. Live, like Stanley, as if life is full of an abundant love. Live fully now because death has already been overcome. Live your life with unwavering faith and love for others.

Stanley was a devoted member of the family of God. He exemplified what it truly means to be a Christian and even all of these years later he inspires others to do the same.

See you Sunday as we dive deep into this story and remember how to live.

Until Everyone Hears,

Pastor Shannon

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