Faith journeys often lead us to unexpected places, and Acts 8:26-40 is a remarkable example of this. This passage captures a divine encounter between Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch, demonstrating how God’s providence can guide us in mysterious yet purposeful ways.
The story begins with an angel of the Lord instructing Philip to go south to the desert road that leads from Jerusalem to Gaza. Philip obediently follows this command, setting the stage for an extraordinary encounter. Along this road, he meets an Ethiopian eunuch, an important official in charge of the treasury of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians. This official is returning from Jerusalem where he had gone to worship.
The Ethiopian eunuch is reading the book of Isaiah as he travels in his chariot. The Spirit tells Philip to approach the chariot, leading to a conversation that culminates in the eunuch’s baptism. This passage is significant as it highlights the power of divine guidance and the universality of the gospel message.
Acts 8: 26-40 invites us to reflect on our own faith journeys. Are we obedient and open to God’s guidance like Philip? Do we seek understanding and truth with the same fervor as the Ethiopian eunuch? This passage challenges us to examine our hearts and respond to God’s call with trust, faith, and courage.
This scripture is a powerful narrative of divine encounters, obedience, and transformation. It reminds us that God’s plans are often beyond our understanding but always purposeful. As we meditate on this passage, may we be inspired to trust God and follow God’s lead.
-Pastor Shannon

P.S. – We hope you’ll join us for the final sermon in our series “Adventures with Purpose.” Together, let’s explore how we can live out our faith with intentionality and passion.