Hey there, friends!
Our series continues this week with “The Gift of Being Present” as one of your chosen “greatest hits” for this sermon series. This was our Advent series in 2023. Now is the perfect time to practice mindfulness and celebrate the true essence of being in the moment. I know, it’s a bit unusual to think about Christmas when we’re smack dab in the middle of the year. But what if we took this opportunity to reframe how we think about gifts and presence?
Ever heard the saying, “What we have in front of us now is a gift. That’s why we call it the present”? It’s a beautiful reminder that our most precious moments are happening right now.
Why Practice Mindfulness?
Mindfulness helps us savor these moments, reducing stress and bringing more joy into our lives. It’s a way to appreciate the now, without getting lost in the past or the future. And what better time to start than Christmas in July?
Tips for a Mindful Christmas in July
Box Breathing
Feeling overwhelmed? Try box breathing. It’s a simple technique that involves:
- Inhaling for 4 counts.
- Holding your breath for 4 counts.
- Exhaling for 4 counts.
- Holding your breath again for 4 counts.
Repeat this a few times, and you’ll find yourself feeling more centered and calm.
Centering Prayer
Another powerful practice is centering prayer. It’s a form of Christian meditation that helps you connect with God’s presence within. Here’s how you can try it:
- Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed.
- Choose a sacred word that resonates with you (like “peace” or “love”).
- Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and silently introduce your sacred word.
- When distractions come, gently return to your sacred word.
Try this for 10-20 minutes each day, and see how it transforms your sense of peace and presence.
This Sunday is more than just a quirky sermon series. It’s a chance to celebrate reconnecting with the present moment and appreciate the gifts we have right now. Whether through box breathing, centering prayer, or simply being fully present, let’s make this a time of true mindfulness.
Happy Christmas in July, friends!