Sandy and Sam Adams

These #HolyMischief Makers do it all! From throwing baby showers to helping strangers with rides and car trouble. Not to mention the amazing work they do that never gets mentioned. These servants truly have a heart full of love and compassion. Well done!

If you have a nominee or a story of #HolyMischief, let us know. Bonus points if it happened outside the walls of our church!

#HolyMischief is more than just a hashtag – it’s an opportunity to spread joy and share something meaningful with your friends and others. It seems that the more kindness we show towards others, the more connected we feel towards them. So when we get stuck in cycles of negativity, or feeling like the world is against us, or feeling like everyone around us is getting on our last nerve, we’re well served by serving somebody else through an act of kindness.

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