Beyond Thoughts and Prayers

In the aftermath of the heartbreaking school shooting in Winder, GA last week, our hearts are heavy with grief and a sense of urgency. I was out of the country when it happened yet the pain and grief was felt around the world. I’m so thankful that Rev Nena Jones was about to address what happened in her sermon and give us some practical tips to find rest in our souls.

These events shake our communities, leaving us questioning how we can protect our children and ensure their safety. While it is natural to respond with thoughts and prayers, we must acknowledge that these are not enough. We’ve got to do better for our children.

The challenges we face are complex, requiring more than a single solution. Yet, there are many actions each of us can take to make a meaningful impact:

Pray and Listen

Prayer is powerful, but it is also a call to action. Pray for the victims, the families, the first responders, and for wisdom. Listen to each other, to the fears and the hopes that arise from times of trial. Ask God for guidance, listen for a response, and be willing to use your influence to take a courageous next step.

Care for Mental Health

It is essential to care for your mental health and encourage others to do the same. We must normalize visiting a therapist and seeking help when needed. In full disclosure, I have a wonderful counselor that I see on a regular basis. She’s an invaluable part of my health and wellness. My faith is stronger because of my time with her. Mental well-being is a foundation for a healthy community.

Engage with School Boards and Leaders

Ask hard questions of our school boards and community leaders—not to trap them or sway them to believe a certain way, but to bring vital issues to the forefront and to listen. We must engage in dialogues that address safety and work collectively towards developing actionable solutions.

Foster a Safe Environment

Without a sense of safety, it is challenging to hear the gospel. It’s hard to think about eternal life when our current safety feels uncertain. Let’s strive to create environments where everyone feels secure.

Every small action we take can contribute to a larger change. It is our responsibility to build communities where our children can learn and grow without fear. Together, we can make a difference.

In faith and solidarity,

faith, #HolyMischief

P.S. – We are starting a new sermon series called “Together.” It is a look at passages in 1 Corinthians and how our small groups, Bible studies, and Sunday School classes shape us into people who live out the Kingdom of God on earth. I hope you’ll invite others to join us for this series that helps people to feel visible and valued. We will also be celebrating our 41st Anniversary!!! 

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