
The mission of the United Methodist Church is “to make disciples for the transformation of the world.” We do that at Trinity by “loving one another to Christ.” But how do we do that? What does it look like? And what is the strategy to make sure we are doing it right?

Answering those questions can be tricky. There’s no “one size fits all” when it comes to fulfilling our mission but there are some things that we do at Trinity that makes us unique.

One thing that sets us apart is our dedication to community outreach and service. We believe that being a follower of Christ means actively loving and serving those around us. That’s why we have various programs and initiatives designed to meet the needs of our local community, such as food drives, partnerships with local organizations, and volunteer opportunities.

Overall, at Trinity United Methodist Church, we strive to live out our mission of loving God and loving others in everything we do. This Sunday we start a new sermon series called “Keep Moving Forward.” In light of Easter, how do we keep moving forward with all that Jesus calls us to do? We will celebrate all the ways in which we engage in missions work at Trinity. You see all of the great things we’ve been able to do and hear why it matters so much.

Until Everyone Hears,

faith, #HolyMischief